Frances Hesselbein received a call to head girl scout troop 17 in Johnstown, Pa., in her early twenties. 二十出头的时候,法兰西斯•贺赛苹接到一个电话,对方邀请她领导宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦市的女童军17团。
If you claim you spend your spare time volunteering with the local Scout Troop, be prepared that the interviewer may do the same and ask about more details. 如果你说你业余时间帮当地童子军做志愿者工作,那么可能面试官会做过相同工作,并询问你具体细节。
During the peak sales period in January, each Girl Scout marked her sales on an individual order card and turned the card into the troop leader when she was finished. 在一月销售的颠峰期,每位女童军在个人的订单卡片上注记了自己的销售额,并且在完成后将卡片转给区小队长。
The boy's plans for organizing a scout troop hung fire because they could not find a man to be scoutmaster. 孩子们计划组织童子军,这个计划因他们找不到一个人做教练而被搁置了。
The re-formed Scout troop has been very active. 改编的侦察队非常高效。
They belonged to the same scout troop. 他们属于同一童子军中队。
I thanked him again as he headed back to the Scout troop, a couple hours away. 我感谢他,他再次返回部队的侦察兵,几个小时的路程。
For six months she had shut herself up in her house, stopped leading her Girl Scout troop, given up all civic activities and she even refused to play the organ at church anymore. 半年以来她足不出户,不再领导女童子军,放弃了一切社交活动,甚至不再去教堂弹管风琴。
For the chief scout's award, candidates are nominated by the troop and district to the region and headquarters, and they will be notified to collect their certificates and badges afterwards. 总领袖奖章则可于完成考验后经由团长及区会推荐给地域及总会,由总会通知领取奖章及安排证书颁发事宜。
I bet you used to sell more Girl Scout cookies than any other member of the whole troop, didn't ya? 我敢打赌你过去一定卖多了女士饼干,不是吗?